I had already resigned myself to another lazy, motionless, go to bed early, night home alone watching A&E. Tonight I had TiVo’d Biography of John Wayne Gayce.
Then the phone rang -It was my friend (from many years ago) and current co-worker. He was heading to the “Kelly Lounge” and looking for company. I had been listening to KELY 95 on the way home from work and heard that they were giving away tickets to a private showing of Tears for Fears. I entertained the fantasy for a moment or so, then forgot the idea. John was enthusiastic and undeterred.
What the hay – it’s early still, I don’t have to work and my son is with his pop. I cleaned up quick and decided to join my friend in the quest for tickets to see TEARS FOR FEARS!
I arrive, tried to make friends with the DJ’s (shmooze) and took a turn at the wheel. The first time around I won a CD. Cool. I choose Sarah McLachlan. The second time around I hit bumkist.
So we got back in line – only to hear…Woooo..Hoooo!!! Yeah! Some blankety-blank-blank - won our tickets! Good Lord! Who deserves Tears for Fears tickets more than the old folks & I around here?? Please!! This very nice man promised to try to help us and told us to come to the next ticket give-a-way at Lenghtwise.
Ends up we talk to the chicks who won the tickets and I worked with one of them at Orange Julius in the Plaza in 85! They were very nice girls.
Don’t ya just love Bake Town??
Sep. 30th and I would love for you to go with me!!