Tuesday, October 12, 2004


This woman is not only beautiful and smart and great and so completely all around wonderful – she is also my very best friend. I met her in the 4th grade in Mrs. Wybright’s class at Stine School – the same year as the “Great Dust Storm.” I was the weirdo, loud mouth, skinny ass, chip on her shoulder, “too small, got held back” girl and Flo was… Flo. Sweet, smart, never told a lie, always fun to be with, girl. And for some reason, Flo wanted to be with me. By 6th grade we were best friends, and by high school our names (as different as they are) were synonymous. So, it floors me now… some 29 years later that her WEDDING DRESS ( I am freaking looking at it RIGHT NOW!!) is hanging in my room – and I am going to drive to Palm Springs in 2 days and WITNESS one of THE MOST IMPORTANT persons IN MY ENTIRE LIfE get married to a wonderful, fantastic (doesn’t deserve her) talented, I couldn’t pick a better man.

Is it any wonder I can’t sleep???

p.s. Flo – I know I spelled her name wrong… correct me.

I love you so much.
