Thursday, December 02, 2004

Freeze Town

For the fourth day in a row Bake Town is freezing. Temperatures are getting down into the low 30’s every night. We wake to find a slivery, white frost covering every thing. It’s Bakersfield snow. No body here is equipped it handled it. People walk into work bundled and hunched over complaining “Dang, it’s really cold out there.’ I like it. I like how you can see each individual blade of grass frozen; blade after stiff blade. I don’t like trying to get the frost off the windshield to drive to work. I’m glad I have a garage and don’t have to worry about that now.

I remember trying to hose off the car when I was in high school – that sucked.

1 comment:

  1. I live in the San Diego area, same weather here. It's so weird, I know people in other areas take weather like this in stride, but life just grinds to a halt here and everyone is walking around talking about the weather and how much it has affected our lives. We're such pansies, aren't we?
