Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Oh the shame...

A woman from Bakersfield, CA was on Oprah yesterday. It was one of those ‘ask your embarrassing question’ type shows and the woman from Bakersfield wanted to know what a Brazilian bikini wax is and if 38 is too old to get one. Why, oh why did this woman have to go to Oprah to get this question answered?

On the front page of the Californian there is an article about how The Community Action Partnership of Kern County has decided to begin random drug testing of its Head Start and child care teachers. “Our primary concern is the safety of the children’ a spokesperson said. Five people have failed so far. Directly underneath this article is another titled “State could face teacher shortage” describing the frightening realization that our state is dangerously short of qualified teachers.

Hmmmm…. I wonder why?