Friday, December 03, 2004

We Are Fam-ily. Igotallmynieceswithme.

© Megan Willis (a.k.a – Super Fantastico)

I woke up at 5:00 this morning. It’s dark and very cold outside but apparently my mind and/or my body does not recognize this as a sign to stay in bed. The thought that I might be turning into my father frightens me. He wakes up at 4 AM everyday. Dude! I remember when I used to go to bed at 4 AM. What’s happening to me?

Speaking of family…I’ve been meaning to tell y’all about my niece. I have only one and she’s kind of a super-duper fantastico niece. She’s so smart and so talented she’s practically autistic. Seriously, when she was a tot, the way she was so content to just sit and put her 10,000 piece puzzles together, it was spooky. But her greatest talent of all is her drawing – or should I say ART! The first time she picked up a crayon she drew a doggie; in motion and with perspective. So you see what I’m saying here. For her high school graduation project in Art class, she created a 2 minute animated cartoon people!

Anyway…I found out this past Thanksgiving that my niece has a blog too! Interestingly enough, it’s almost exactly as old as mine. I haven’t had time to read much of it yet, but I did check out some of her puppet show and her online comic. (I told you she is Super Fantistico.)

I hope you check it out too. It’s pretty darn cool.

p.s. That drawing is a drawing of herself drawing. And the dog's name is Sunshine.