Friday, January 14, 2005

Burglary Bummer

This is spooky. Just yesterday I posted a piece about the crime maps the BPD has started printing in the paper. I noticed that there seemed to be a lot of burglaries, robberies and such. And now… Just a minute ago a good friend of mine informed me that his house was broken into yesterday. I know how violated I felt when my car was broken into. I can’t imagine how awful it must feel to know you had someone creeping around in your house. Taking things you worked hard for. It burns me up! I think someone should come up with a theft deterrent system that zaps the thief with debilitating (but not life threatening) jolt of electricity when they try to break into a car or a home. AND have it spray a permanent hot pink dye that smells like skunk butt.

I bet that would slow some of ‘em down.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I'll know how bad to feel once I find out if my insurance company is going to be cool.
