Thursday, January 27, 2005


I’m pretty sure I have bruises on my butt after reading Waist High’s response to me calling her a vulgar bitch and accusing her of sleeping with Google. In my own defense, I DID also call her “delightful” (an adjective I now choose to retract.) I will return to my corner and hang my head in shame.

b.t.w. My cat smokes cigars and belly dances. I don’t know how you get better than that.


  1. How is it you're missing the opportunity to comment on her hair in the '83 yearbook hugging photo? I mean, she posted it -- she must be seeking feedback.

  2. Oh don’t worry...I’ve only just begun to plan my counter attack. There will be bloodshed before this is through.

  3. Anonymous10:40 PM

    You DO have bruises on your butt. But is that entirely Waist High's fault?!?!
