1. The Florence’s House. This is the place I spent most of my time growing up. It was the place I wanted to spend ALL my time. The Florence’s raised me, in many ways, just as much as my own parents did. They were (and still are) loving, accepting, encouraging and patient with me from the moment I first met them in 1976. I called them my Vice Family. Nearly all of my fondest memories take place in this home. It was the house on the block where all the kids went. We ate, we played, we sang, we danced , we fought, we snuck out, we called boys and hung up, we obsessed over MTV, we watched rated R movies on HBO, we played Hide-N-Seek in the dark and we had A MILLION slumber parties. If it were not for this family I guarantee I would not be the person I am today.
2. Stine School. All of the things I mentioned above are directly related to the fact that I met Flo in the fourth grade at Stine School in Mrs. Waybright’s class. We had the same teacher together every year for three years. Just as most of my fond memories of my youth center around her house, the rest center on our time together at Stine. I asked her to be my best friend on the bus on the way back from Scicon in the sixth grade and she has never left my side since. I am extremely fortunate to have found and connected with such an amazing person.
3. West High. Again, this is an extension of numbers one and two. With Flo at my side, we met and made many amazing friends; including (but not limited to) Amy, Erinn, Michelle, Karen and Maureen. We had many dangerously crazy fun times. Amy's Scavenger Hunt almost got me arrested. And then, of course, there were ‘the boys’ who shall remain nameless. Had it not been for the fact that I was so motivated to hang with Flo and not disappoint her parents and my own, I have no doubt I would have fallen by the wayside and found myself in big trouble in high school.
4. Vidal’s. A HUGE part of my high school life for about year and a half. To be quite honest, if such a place existed today, I know the teenagers would not be so quick to complain “there’s nowhere to go in Bako.” This was the 80’s version of a disco where people of all ages could dress up like Madonna or Boy George and go spin around the dance floor for just five dollars every Friday and Saturday night.
5. The Streets of Bakersfield. Before Vidal’s there was “driving around.” We used to go out with no plan in mind at all and just drive around. The fun of blasting the Violent Femmes or Madness or the Go-Go’s (the list is endless) while driving around town at high speeds and looking for ‘something to do’ provided some of the happiest times of my life. And MANY speeding tickets.
6. Local Band Shows. I can’t give a specific location, but in the 90’s my friends held the heartbeat of the local music scene. Jumping Trains, Crushing Violet, Crawdaddy… all of these bands were HUGE and so FUN! There were many journeys down to LA for shows, but the best of times were found right here and over many nights and many locations.
7. The Old Pub @ CSUB. Props to G for having it on his list. Many more hours than should have been were spent in this establishment. Drinking coffee or tea, listening to the Pougues on the jukebox, swilling beer, smoking cigarettes and debating hot philosophical, literary, historical, and social issues made us all feel intellectual and involved. Many, many good times were had in this location.
8. The Cat (circa 1990 – 1995) Monday night was Cat night - we ruled the pool table and the jukebox.
9. Skate Land. This is where all the skating parties from Church and school happened. They had a game where a small person (like me!) would get into a big metal wash tub with wheels nailed to the bottom and be pushed around the floor at high speeds. It was the only game I ever got picked first for. Many, many days were spent standing by the snack bar wishing a boy would ask me to “slow skate.”
10. The Padre – After everyone moved away and the Cat got TOO LOUD, the annual get-togethers happened here. Small, old school bar with a great jukebox, crazy decor and a fun crowd.
Thursday, February 03, 2005
My Top Ten Places to Go in Bako in the Past
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Bake Town
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