Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Knock on wood

I just drove my car over to my parent’s house so they could see it. After they were done admiring its beauty, I decided to go see a few friends. I’m having so much fun driving my new little car. It’s a 5-speed and very peppy. I’m having a great time peeling out although I am worried about getting a ticket. Driving down Chester, I came upon an accident that had just happened. It wasn’t bad, but the cops were there so I decided to slow down. I turned left on Truxtun heading toward Oak. As I approached Mercy Hospital, I noticed all the cars in the left land were being forced to merge right. After a couple of blocks I saw why. One car, it appears, had torn through a metal barricade and slammed into a tree. I didn’t see another car but I did see what looked like a piece of another car. I could be wrong. Needless to say, it was pretty grim.

After staring at two car accidents within two minutes, I decided to drive home very slowly and safely, carefully park my car, and tip toe up the stairs. I just spent the last 20 minutes knocking on all the wood in my house. I have never been in a serious car accident – unless you count the time I almost ran over that Asian dude on the scooter. Actually, HE ran into ME, but ever since it happened and I was escorted from 2nd period Geometry by the BPD, it’s been referred to like that. Then there was the time very shortly after I got my license when I backed my mother’s brand new car right into my father’s brand new car. That was pretty serious.

How 'bout you all? Ever do anything stupid in your car?