Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Memorializing Maxwell

There’s more information on the Sons trial in the paper today. Prosecutors have lined up a bunch of people to testify that they heard Sons' shotgun go off before Maxwell’s handgun. Sons keeps trying to convince everyone it was self-defense but I can’t see how that is the case if he took out a shotgun and blew the guy away. I think it’s pretty clear what happened – one hot headed man met another hot headed man and things got out of control.

I have no doubt Maxwell was aggressive and belligerent and I also have no doubt Sons was aggressive and belligerent right back. It is very unfortunate that the cosmos brought these two men together.

The thing that does confuse me, however, is why they named a portion of Golden State Hwy after Maxwell. The CHP knew he had a record of escalating situations and other shady crap, but when he was killed they acted like he was some big hero. What’s up with that?

And while I’m at it, why is it that the former Assistant District Attorney Stephen Tauzer is the only one getting blamed for withholding evidence in the first trial? At least one or two of the officers that testified MUST have known what kind of cop he was but all they did was boo hoo over their lost comrade. That’s pretty shady if you ask me.

Just out of curiosity I drove onto the Golden State Hwy a couple of days ago to see if someone had removed the memorial to Maxwell after it came out that wasn’t really a super cop after all.

It’s still there. The “Richard Allen Maxwell – Memorial Interchange” brought a little tear to my eye.