Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Rubbin' elbows

I am such a nerd. I signed up a few weeks ago to attend the Blogher conference this weekend in Santa Clara. It’s all about women bloggers. Friday night before the conference a bunch of us are going to go to dinner. By a bunch I mean 170 bloggers and in one restaurant. I feel sorry for the staff already.

So just now I checked to make sure they received my reservation and found my name on the list. Cool. Next I checked for Dooce’s name, and right there on the very same list with my name, was Dooce’s name! I immediately began clapping my hands with glee and stomping my feet while squealing “eeeeeeeeeee!” You’d think one of my co-workers would have noticed, but apparently I am consistently spazzy enough, so no one paid much attention. I AM SO EXCITED!!! I’m going to be in the same building with Dooce – the Queen Mother of all female bloggers.

Do you think it would be TOO dorky of me to ask for her autograph??