Thursday, August 25, 2005


I have decided I am going to do nothing but write today. Besides eating, pooping, and watching TV of course. And maybe some light house cleaning. But for the most part I am going to do nothing but write. No matter how badly I want to escape my house. No matter how tired I may become. No matter WHAT happens, I am going to try and make up for the fact that I have been a total flake lately.

It’s not all my fault really. I’m taking a break from one job right now, and working more on another, so that’s been time consuming. And I’ve been traveling. I’ve spent more time on the road in the last month than I have in the past year. And I’m planning on doing more traveling soon. St. George, Utah and Las Vegas, Nevada are at the top of my list (aren’t they always?) and Charleston, South Carolina or Seattle, Washington, are not far behind.

Of course my travel plans may have to be altered if I don’t change my current eating habits. I seemed to have developed an unhealthy addiction to McDonald’s Egg McMuffin Value Meal (with an EXTRA hash brown on the side.) For the last two days in a row I have woken up, gotten dressed, got in my car, and driven to McDonald’s with out even thinking about it. It’s like I’m autopilot. The good thing is the Number One Value Meal is SO filling I won’t be hungry again till this evening, which leaves me even more time to write.

Then again, now that I’ve written this, and while I digest my Egg McMuffin, I think I’ll go pay a visit to my couch.