Friday, August 05, 2005

A Quick Audio-Visual Tour of Blogher.

Say what you want about the air in Bakersfield – this is the view as I entered San Jose. Looks like the same brown haze to me.

These were some of the first people I met at the conference. The blond on the left is an anonymous blogger, so I had to cut her out. Let’s just say, she came a long way. Next to her is an older woman whose name I can’t remember and across from her is her husband who I dubbed Amish guy. (Neither of them have blogs, so I'm not sure why they were there.) On the back on the right is Jarah, editor and publisher of Fresno Famous and a very lovely person.

This is a picture of Dooce eating chips and salsa sitting at the very same table I was. I tried to maintain my cool and not stare, but it was hard not to. Stupid Ken got the best seat in the house RIGHT ACROSS FROM HER!

This is the comic they hired to entertain us after dinner the first night. She was pretty funny, but would have been a whole lot funnier if she hadn’t seemed a bit uptight and slightly bitchy.

Here we are waiting for the shuttle to come get us and take us back to the hotel. Dooce is in the yellow shirt and Ken is in the foreground trying to not look like a stalker.

This is Real Kato himself enjoying a Grey Goose Martini Friday night after the dinner. If I remember correctly, this was his first of many.

Saturday morning, as we gathered in the main room to begin the day, they played videos of Shania Twain and Sheryl Crow to entertain us. The trouble was, they had the sound turned ALL THE WAY UP AND THE WHOLE THING SEEMED TOTALLY OBXIOUS!!!

This is the "How to get naked" session, and that is Koan, Ronni, and teeny, tiny sliver of Dooce. Needlesss to say, I did not have the best seat in the house. Guess who did? That’s right – Ken Kato Stalker Extraordinaire.

After the conference was over and all the fun had ended, Ken spotted this little scene on our way out. I thought it was pretty funny.

At the hotel bar after the conference Jenn sells her soul to the devil and tries to convince the rest of us to join her in the bowels of hell. Ken looks on happily; ready to go any where.

Matthew, Elizabeth and Meghan, just a few of the wonderful people I met.

Jenny, Jelly & Jenn – these women are crazy.

And finally, the bit of audio just above this post is something I recorded at some point during the night. I think I was actually trying to take a picture. (I tried to cut and paste it down here at the bottom but it didn't work.)