Thursday, August 04, 2005


I usually just glace at the obituaries as I pour through the local section looking for something interesting to blog about. I’m only 37 after all, I don’t really expect to see people I know in there. Today I did. Today I saw an obituary for Peter Thomas Williams. Oh.My.God.

I went to high school with Pete. I had a crush on Pete! Pete was a really nice guy and a great musician! I loved his Pete Will band. I used to run into him all the time and we would talk and talk. Oh.My.God. How awful! And how very, very sad.

The obit doesn’t say how he died, and I know most of them don’t, but that bugs me! I want to know what happened! He was only 36 for goodness sake.Good lord. Maybe I do need to start paying more attention to the obits.

A memorial service is scheduled for this Saturday at Greenlawn.