I am completely freaked out. As I was glancing through the paper just now I noticed they had printed some of the comments people had made on the Talk of the Town blog. The question was “How high do gas prices have to go to get you out of your car?” And SOMEONE – someone who is not ME – used MY NAME to psot the following comment:
I wish those drivers in big Ford truck and super big SUV would not be so aggressive in tailgating me. I drive the speed limit. When the light turn from red to green give me 3 extra second to get up to speed -- I do not want to ramp up my enginer. When the light half a block distance just turned red just coast down and do not step on the gas. These drivers are getting on my nerves. To put it on the extreme side -- these are rude driving behavior and post road safety to others. Remember -- I have very good attorney and they will sue the pants out of you (and your shirt too).
What the hell? I did not write this! It doesn’t even sound like me. I don’t have a lawyer, I have never threatened to sue anyone in my LIFE and I NEVER drive the speed limit. I have a paper trail a mile long of speeding tickets. PLUS it doesn’t even address the question.
So now I’ve got some lame ass hater going around using my name and posting stupid comments. Great. I suggest all of you email the idiot and tell him what an ass he is. (If you click on the name it takes you to an email address THAT IS NOT MINE!)
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Will the REAL Baketown please stand up!
Posted by
Bake Town
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