Monday, May 01, 2006

Home Again

I made it home safe from Malibu yesterday. Just barely. We had a scary little incident on I-5 to which Paul commented calmly, "We just almost died." Other than that, the trip was uneventful.

We went to Malibu to see my niece graduate from Pepperdine. If you haven't been to Pepperdine, you're missing out. It is one of the most beautiful universities ever. Unfortunately, the morning was a little overcast and chilly. By the time the ceremony was over, however, the clouds had dissipated and the sun was blazing.The graduation was held on top of a hill over looking the ocean, and the best part was when all the graduated walked up the hill like a tiny black clad army. It was quite a sight to see.

After the graduation ceremony, we hung out on the hill for a while. Paul seemed to really enjoy the view.

My niece is a very talented artist, as you can see for yourself. She also has a blog and a website.

Needless to say, I think she has a very bright future ahead of her.