Thursday, January 11, 2007

I am here, I am here, I am here!!!

My apologies for my absence this week; I spent my days doing the following things:

Monday and Tuesday - Sleeping and lying on my back hacking up my lungs. (Yes, again. I think I’m allergic to this place.)

Wednesday – Driving to UCLA and back so we can wait an hour for the doc to look at Paul’s eyeball and say “Everything is fine” again. We also picked up his tux for the formal this weekend (awwww!), bought flowers, and I tried to convince him to let me be the chauffer. No luck so far.

Because I missed work Mon, Tue, and Wed, I spent all day today playing on my computer and ignoring all the work I have piled up on my desk. Here are a few of the websites I found to help make wasting time more fun. (Or at least more fun for me anyway.)

btw- I am joking. I totally caught up on all my work today. (Sort of.)