Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What's in a name?

The Rodeo Round-up Finalists are listed in the paper today. Here are just a few of the names: Marv, Cody, Dallas, Clayton, J.D., Justin, Wes, and Clint. I couldn’t help but wonder, do we predestine our children’s future by what we name them? I mean, we expect to see names like Cody and Dallas in the rodeo finalists. You don’t expect to see Richard William III or a DeShawn. The idea caused me to do some research, which led me to this article. I thought it was interesting. The discussion about names isn't exactly new.

I have a very distinctive name. Let’s just say I didn’t have any trouble with other kids sharing the same name when I was in school. I did however, have a lot of trouble with people saying my name wrong, and not knowing how to spell it. It drove me crazy. I can’t really say how having a distinctive name affected me, but I’m sure it did some how. Lord knows I’m one hell of a smart ass. My best friend though, she has a nice normal name, like Mary. She’s the nicest person I know.

My friend and I used to always read the birth announcements in the paper to see what people were naming their kids. (I hate that they stopped printing those!) It was highly entertaining. I would often joke that a kid named Candy would become at stripper, so something along those lines. I didn’t know what to make of the twins one woman named My-Onli Malicious and Mi-Own Delicious. Seriously.

So, tell me what you think. How did you’re name affect the person you’ve become? Or does it have no affect at all?