As my good friend and arch enemy Waist High was quick to point out, I have been failing miserably at entertaining my many, MANY droves of friends out there in the Internet. She is always quick to point this out because she only has two - me and some chick in NY. But, in the end I have to admit she is right. I have been slacking; pushing the whole “I’m on vacation thing” too far. I guess I just needed a break. Besides, I figured y’all were on summer break and busy with your slip ‘n slides and Kool Aide stands.
It’s not that I haven’t been busy. I helped organize a family reunion in
And even when I wasn’t doing that I was thinking about you all. For instance, when traffic came to a stand still on the way to Tahoe and the dudes in the car behind us got out and started to break dance, I thought of y’all.
In fact, even when I wasn’t working, and planning, and doing stuff, my heart is never far from my friends in the Internet. For example, last night as I enjoyed delicious enchiladas at
Yeah, I take Play Doh and dinosaurs to restaurants with me. What? Don't tell me you haven't thought about it.