Monday, June 06, 2005

Stupid is as Stupid does.

A seventy five year old woman was found dead in the Vagabond Inn last Thursday. Frances Hall was discovered by a cleaning lady who must have immediately begun to question her career choice. It wasn’t long before police announced they were looking for her forty one year old husband, Hershel Hall. (I guess that saying about aging like a fine wine must be true.)

Apparently Hershel loves the prison life because two days after he was released he met his wife at the motel and killed her. According to the news Hall has been in and out of jail for years. Last time he was out he married Frances in Vegas then promptly returned to prison. The family was shocked by the marriage and undoubtedly relived when he was locked up again. Unfortunately for Frances, he was released again.

Hershel was caught this past weekend in Mexico driving a stolen semi–truck. Something tells me he’s not going to be so fond of prison anymore.