Monday, March 13, 2006

I can't believe he came outta me.

I called my friend last night to complain about my sixteen year old son. “He won’t listen to me” I whined. “What’s the problem” she asked? I explained to her that Paul told me the school schedule he plans to take next year. It includes, AP English, AP US History, AP Statistics, Honors Chemistry, German 3, and Journalism (next year he gets to be an editor.) Plus, there are his extra curricular activities, which include (but are not limited to) Mock Trial and Academic Decathlon. “I don’t want to discourage him” I said, “but I think it’s too much! He’s going to get over whelmed.” My friend started laughing at me. “Thousands of parents are out there warning their kids not to have sex, get pregnant, or do drugs. And your biggest problem is he’s taking too many AP classes?”

I guess that does sort of put things into perspective.