Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Im back!

I’m back.

I took a few days off for some R-n-R, but I’m back now and feeling good.  So… here’s what I missed.  

Tara Cook, a 35 year old school bus driver was arrested last Friday after PASSING OUT
While driving four special ed kids home from school.  Yes people, she was so completely wasted, so drunk, so totally out of it, she quite literally fell asleep at wheel.  (Oh man.  That’s bad.)  A neighbor saw the bus jerking and berking down the road, grew concerned, and decided to follow the bus.  When the bus came to a stop sign, the man parked his car in front of the bus and called 911.  That’s when Tara decided to take a nap.

Needless to say, I don’t think Tara will be getting behind the wheel again anytime soon.

Another inmate turned up dead in downtown jail last week.  Tamika Bell was “found” in her cell and was rushed to the hospital were she later died.  The coroner is investigating the exact cause of death, which tells me she probably wasn’t beaten to death like that last guy.