Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A Sad Story

A foster mother was arrested yesterday after a 9 month old baby in her care died Sunday night.  Doctors at KMC, where the baby boy was taken, said he had “multiple skull fractures.”  The foster mother, 64 year-old Shirley Francisco, was also caring the baby’s siblings, two girls ages 3 & 4.  They’re now at the Jamison Center.

This story just breaks my heart.  What kind of a person hurts a baby like that?  Of course, we don’t know what happened, and it is possible the baby fell or something.  But if she did do it, that really freaks me out.  The thought of a 64-year-old woman beating a baby hard enough to fracture his skull is very scary.  And now those poor girls are in the Jamison Center.  

I’ve been inside the Jamison Center.  I did some work there a couple of years ago.  It is not a pleasant place to be.  In fact, it’s kind of scary and almost prison like.  I know the people who work there do the best that they can under the circumstances, but after my time there I couldn’t help but wonder if spending time there might not do more harm than good.

If you ever feel the need to donate your time to a good cause, I highly recommend the Jamison Center.  It will change the way you look at things.