Friday, March 24, 2006

Wonder Twin Powers – Deactivate!

The Nazi Twins are back in the news today - right on the front page sporting their “Happy Hitler” t-shirts. Evidently their father, Kris Lingelser, is against their mother moving them to Montana and “claims in court papers that Gaede is brainwashing the 13-year-ods girls and endangering them by involving them with violent racist groups.”
(Gee…ya think so?)

Apparently their father doesn’t share his ex-wife’s belief system and is asking for full custody of the two girls. (How does someone date someone and not notice that he or she is a hate filled bigot??) Unfortunately, he lost custody of the girls 10 years ago when he and his wife first divorced, and has had limited contact with them since then. Getting his daughters back might be tough. Although, if he does get them back, he may find unbrainwashing them even tougher.

Maybe they should each take one and just call it even.