Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Did you know?

One of the new features in The Californian is the “Did you know” section.  Sometimes it has interesting little factoids, but a lot of the time it just shares useless information like, “There are four types of rattlesnakes native to Kern County” or there are X number of light poles in town.   Today it reads “Gold near Isabella Lake was found in the late 1850s when a prospector with the name of Lovely Rogers was about to heave a rock at his unruly mule when he took a second look at the rock in his hand…”  

Okay, first of all, that is one strangely constructed sentence.  Second, the prospectors name was Lovely?  That sounds like a stripper’s name.  When I picture a burly prospector from the 1850s hucking rocks at his mule, the name Lovely does not come to mind.  

Makes me wonder what the mule’s name was.