Wednesday, May 31, 2006

I always wanted to be a Tagger

I’ve been tagged by Dex and challenged to describe six weird things about myself. I can list quite a few people who would say six is not even close to enough, but honestly, I don’t think I can think of that many. Anyway, here goes…

  1. I have an exceptionally loud sneeze that can be heard miles away. And it sounds exactly like AAHHH CHOO!!!

  2. I have an exceptionally strange sounding laugh when I think something is REALLY funny. Most people say I sound like a goat, or a car trying to start. Or something equally unappealing.

  3. I consider Waist High a good friend even though she is my blogging arch enemy.

  4. I married a man 16 years older than me. When I got divorced I dated a man 11 years younger than me.

  5. When I heard about the song by Carrie Underwood, “Jesus Take the Wheel” my first response was “Cuz I’m too drunk to drive.”

  6. I have a very strange relationship with my teenage son. He actually likes me and we get along great.

Okay, now all you friends out there can add which ever weird things about me you think I missed.

Add, since thing is all about being tagged, I would like to tag…

Valancy Jane

Everyday Goddess




