Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Sons Survives

Welp - Bruce Sons is a free man again. The jury in Santa Maria was able to reach a unanimous decision (thank God). They found him guilty of voluntary manslaughter, which carries a sentence of up to 16 years. Since he’s already served 12, he’s walkin’.

I have to say, I think this was a pretty good decision. Like I said before, I don’t think either of these men are innocent little lambs. One hot headed man confronted another hot headed man and one of them ended up dead. I don’t think Sons woke up that day with a plan to find a cop and kill him, so never did agree with the first degree murder conviction. Still, I’m not so sure Sons is the kinda guy I want living in my neighborhood. From what I understand he had quite a record.

And I can’t help but wonder what Sons is going to do with himself now that he is free. I mean, besides get drunk and party. I can’t imagine that he’s going to feel too safe in the community with all the local law enforcement officers looking at him like he’s a cop killer. (Which he is a cop killer, so….) Sons’ wife left him, and I would guess he had to sell the house to pay for all those fancy lawyers – what’s he gonna do?

Maybe he’ll get lucky and find a middle management position at a local chop shop.