Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The wrong side of the river

That brown strip of sand that winds its way through our fair city is fixin’ to look at lot more like what its supposed to.  A river. Workers began releasing water from the reservoir yesterday and we can expect to see the banks swelling to capacity by this weekend.  And, of course, people are being warned to beware of the killer Kern.   My favorite comment is this one; “county officials will be contacting river dwellers to warn them on the activity.”  Uh, yeah.  All you people living in the river might want to get out now cuz it’s gonna be full of water any day now.

Evidently there are some concerns regarding the Lake Isabella dam.  In fact, according to Channel 17, “The dam at Lake Isabella has become the number-one priority in the nation, according to Federal Engineers.”  Yikes.   It would have been nice if someone had mentioned earlier that there is an active fault line right below the dam.  It’s been so long since Bakersfield was flooded I think we’ve all but forgotten that it is a distinct possibility.

After seeing the murky waters surrounding New Orleans, I for one, am glad to hear they are looking into to fixing that dam.