Monday, June 19, 2006


I spent the weekend sick as a dog and lying on my couch.  I had planned to go see Moonshine Deathbed at McGee’s cuz I saw them at the Silver Fox recently I loved them, but I wasn’t able to make it.  Friday morning I woke up with a stabbing pain in my neck and shoulder.  I immediately called Dr. Lu the Acupuncturist and went in for a session.  I love going to Dr. Lu.  Before you even walk in you can smell the burning herbs.  After he places all the needles he says “Have a nice rest” on his way out.   Lying there listening to the sound of ocean waves I practically went into a coma. The pain was gone but I felt groggy for the rest of the day.  The next day I woke up nauseous.  I’ve never had that happen before but I think it may have been unrelated to my treatment.  Luckily was well enough Sunday to enjoy Father’s Day with my family.

I’ve been to Dr. Lu many times for many different reasons so if you’ve never been and have questions please feel free to ask.