Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Half a Bubble Off

Jo Lugo, the woman arrested for harboring Stephan Van Tassel, publicly admitted recently that she’s an idiot. Well, sort of. She said she had no idea that Van Tassel was wanted for stealing a truck and crashing it into the bedroom of 1 ½ year old Russell Brown III. She doesn’t read the paper, listen to the radio, or watch the news. She in fact
has no idea what so ever about the world going on around her.

Lugo claims that she is a friend of Van Tassel’s mother and didn’t find it strange at all when the boy showed up at her door. She asked him, “Are you in any trouble, honey?” and he told her no and that was that. She claims that she had heard something about him being involved with a stolen car, but didn’t think much about it.

It’s clear this woman doesn’t do much thinking at all.