Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Lerdo Leaks

Three more inmates escaped from Lerdo recently. That makes six escapees in six days. The dudes still in there have got to be feeling pretty stupid that they’re still there at this point.

One man, Cory Garret, has already been caught. Garret escaped last week, but was captured yesterday after running from the scene of a crime. According to the paper, Garret kicked a police dog during the scuffle and knocked it unconscious. For Garret’s sake I hope the cops don’t do the same thing to him. (Not really.)

Good Ol’ Boy Sheriff Mack Wimbish says all the recent escapes are no big deal and harkens back to a time when they happened on a daily basis. Yeah, that makes me feel better. Sgt Richard Wood acknowledged that recent “bad budgets” has caused the staff to be shorthanded. He also attempted to reassure the public that the inmates held at Lerdo are not a threat to the public. All the inmates that escaped were there for burglary, drugs and/or weapons charges.

Somehow that doesn’t make me feel any better about it. Burglars on drugs carrying weapons sounds pretty threatening to me.