Thursday, June 22, 2006

News Nips

The police arrested Dr. Nadjmabadi this week and charged him with three counts of sexual battery and one count of “sexual penetration with a foreign object.” (ew!) Patients have been coming forward ever since it was first announced that he was under investigation. Some have said they don’t believe it and others have said they do.

Either way I’d say that dude can kiss his career in this town good bye.


The man I was making fun of yesterday for jumping into the Kern River somehow made it out alive. Andrew Hernandez called his family Wednesday morning to let them know he was okay. (That was nice of him.) Police are still looking for him, however, since he does have an active warrant out for his arrest.

I guess this means he is no longer eligible for the Darwin Award.


Jason Armendariz, the teenager who beat Jason Sutton to death with a padlocked chain, received six years in prison for the crime. He plead no contest to voluntary manslaughter. I don’t know much about this case and there hasn’t been a lot of information in news, but it seems sad and strange to me that a man was brutally beaten to death and the person who did only got 6 years. How many will he actually serve? Four maybe?

Sounds like he got away with murder.


Two inmates escaped from Lerdo yesterday morning. The news says, “Both inmates were able to get past the fences at the facility and escape towards the North West.” How do they know that? If they saw them escaping towards the North West why didn’t they do something about?

Neither of the men were going to be in Lerdo for very long so it seems stupid to me that they try and escape. I’m sure jail is bad, but Lerdo ain’t nothing compared to a real prison.