Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sail On Sons

Bruce Sons is a free man. Free of prison, free of debt, and free of probation Superior Court Judge Zel Canter said Sons has more than paid his debt to society by serving nearly 12 years in jail. He also said what I’ve been saying all along that, “Maxwell and Sons seemed to be destined to get into a confrontation, given Maxwell’s history of misbehavior on the job, and Sons’ history of misbehavior with officers.” Yeah – no kidding.

Sons appears to be changed man. I guess 11+ years in the can did him some good. Sons says that he realized that he was going down the wrong path and asked himself “How much further are you going to go before you realize the path you’re on isn’t conducive to what your are supposed to be doing?” Apparently he had to go pretty darn far.

Besides finding God, Sons also found him some edjamacatin’ in jail. Now he can properly use “conducive” in sentence.