Thursday, June 01, 2006

Talking Trash

My apologies to those of you who are sick of me hopping up on my soap box to bitch about people in this town, but an article in today’s paper just gave me more ammo. According to the Bakersfield Recreation & Parks Department the beautiful new Park at River Walk has been greeted by much enthusiasm as well as mountains of trash. *insert sound of hand slapping forehead* Park crews hauled off “430 trash bags, at 55 gallons apiece, over the holiday weekend.” Now, when I say trash, I don’t mean the stuff in the trash can. This is liter. Park crews have had to double their efforts to keep up with the clean up.

I don’t get it. Are there people who enjoy litter? Does anybody prefer a trash strewn park to a clean one? I doubt it. Then why don’t they use the trash cans? They’re right there!!! How much effort does it take walk a few steps to throw something away? It must be a combination of laziness and stupidity.

According to the article the top five parks with the most liter are: The Park at River Walk, Silver Creek Park, Yokuts Park, Beach Park, and Wayside Park. The top two are in what are supposedly our cities newer, nicer areas.

Obviously that hasn’t made them any cleaner.