Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Pre-Party

I went to the pre 20 year reunion party last night. To be honest I had so much fun I could skip the rest of the event and be cool. Unfortunately, I wasn't very good at taking pictures because I was so busy looking at people I went to high school with and saying, "OH. MY. GAWD!"

I did however manage to get this pic. The Duey twins were quite famous around these parts when I was growing up, so of course they would never speak to me or my B.F.F. Flo. Last night we had a lovely conversation with both of them and their equally lovely wives. I think my favorite part about this picture though, is that Flo and I are still holding hands. I also think it shows a great representation of my relationship with Flo. We're opposites in nearly every way. She's white, I'm black. She's a blond, I'm a brunette. She's kind of quiet and sweet, and I’m loud and obnoxious. We're a perfect pair.

Best Friends Forever For Sure.