Saturday, July 29, 2006

So Far Today..

I woke up this morning hungry for a big breakfast and a Bloody Mary, so I called and friend and we went to our usual spot. Unfortunatly, it was closed. So we drove around looking for a place that served food and booze before 10 am and ending up finding ourselves at Narducci's. I had never been there in the day time before, but it looked pretty much the same as it does in the evening.

There was no menu, but we were told they served eggs, potatoes, and either steak, ham, or pork chops. My friend and I chose the steak. When the meal came out it was seriously laughable. It looked like a meal for a lumberjack or a sea captian or something. Nonetheless, I think I did a pretty good job of putting most of that meal my bellly!

This sign is on the wall in Narducci's and it says, "Beer. Helping white guys dance since 1842." I thought it was cute.

On the way home I saw a Pinto and I just had to take a picture. I drove a Pinto in high school except mine was orange and much cooler. I called it the pumpkin. I don't think I've seen a Pinto actually being driven around since the 80's.

I thought they all blew up.