Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Things have been a little crazy since we got back from Italy. Paul’s suitcase still hasn’t arrived, and it’s starting to look like it may never will. Needless to say, the news is heartbreaking for Paul. We were told we couldn’t take anything on board the plane with us, so everything went into our suitcases, which means all the gifts and souvenirs Paul bought in Italy are gone. I would highly recommend you never fly American Airlines. I firmly believe they totally suck ass. Our return trip home was a total nightmare.

When I wasn’t dealing with lost luggage I was lying around feeling like crap. I came down with a cold after I got home, which is okay because I was in great health during the whole tour of Italy. Now, on top of everything my grandfather died. Except we didn’t call him grandfather, we called him Papa. He was 94 years old and not doing so well, so it wasn’t surprise or anything. I’m just glad it didn’t happen while I was gone. Anyway, the funeral is tomorrow and I’ve been pretty busy helping my mom get ready for the funeral.

So, I apologize for the delay and I promise there will be stories of Italy coming soon.

Until then, here is a picture of Paul receiving a revelation from God.

Proof that my son really is perfect.