Friday, August 13, 2004

Welcome to the neighborhood!

Home Sweet Home Posted by Hello

I really don’t understand why outsiders have such a negative view of Bake Town. The people here are just like the big city folks. Take my neighbors, for example… Around the corner a single father named “Bob” has collection of vehicles. He has four wheelers, a Harley, a boat and the creme de la creme, a monster truck. Just in case you have any lingering doubts concerning his masculinity, there is a pink, plastic ball sack hanging from the trailer hitch.

I have another neighbor named “Doug” who is very proud of his homosexuality. He has a rainbow flag hung high in his front window. And another neighbor named “Mark” who is a heterosexual, born again Christian hair dresser covered in tattoos.

And you thought Bake Town was boring!


  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Hey, I thought this was gonna be a cooking site.

  2. Feel free to share your recipes.
