Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Bake Babble

The big story in the news the past couple of days is all about the 70 year old woman who lost her purse containing $17,000 cash. Maria Concha Morales, who spent 40 years working in the fields with her husband, said she didn’t trust banks. Holy crap woman! It’s 2004 and you are in the good ol’ U.S. of A!! Put your money in the bank! Can you imagine the look on the face of the dude who found that purse and was scum bag enough to keep it? Give it back you heartless rogue.

Channel 17 had another news story about the dangers of deep-frying a turkey. Is this deep frying thing going on all over the place or is it just here? I hear it tastes great, but it just seems so okie-fied to me. Call me crazy, but I don’t have any desire to drop a 12 pound turkey into a giant tub of boiling hot oil.

My ears perked up the other day when there was something on the news about Thompson Jr. High. I went there!! I still remember the drummers in the band – Thompson. Jr. HIGH SCHOOL. And then they’d do that cool beat with the clicks and stuff. Dug it. Anyway, they showed the school sign and it read something like, “Home of the Tigers” and I was all, “that sucks.” When I went there were the Tyroleans. That is so much cooler. And it promotes learning – cuz the first thing every body says is “What’s a Tyrolean?”

Prizes will be awarded to the first person that can answer that question! Except for you Flo – I know you know.


  1. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Tyrolean. adj : of or relating to or characteristic of the Tyrol or its people.
    Tyrol. A region of the eastern Alps in western Austria and northern Italy. Inhabited in ancient times by Celtic peoples, the Tyrol constantly passed back and forth, in whole or in part, between Austria and Italy in the 1800s. Its present division dates from the Treaty of St. Germain in 1919. The Tyrolean Alps are a popular tourist area.

  2. Ok, so I wasn't first to answer, but I bet I was the first to know without looking it up! (cheaters)

  3. I agree V-Jane! That was obivously cut and pasted from Dictionary.com.
