Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Big Hands I Know You're The One

Dude! The Violent Femmes are totally going to be playing in Bako Dec. 28th!! And they’re playing at the Historic Fox Theatre! How cool is that?

The first concert I ever went to in L.A. was the Femmes at the Palladium. I wish I could into the details but I don’t publish bad things about myself. But the coolest thing was when E. and I walked in, this dude came up to us and asked us if we would like to sit in the V.I.P section. And we were all – hell yeah! So while all the other slobs were crammed together on the dance floor, E & I sat at a table leisurely sipping drinks above the crowd. Afterward the guy who gave us the pass told us we could stay and meet the band and “party” with them, but I had become suspicious of his true intensions, so I told him we had to get home. He appeared somewhat nonplussed to say the least.

Tickets will be available here.