Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Jack in the Crack

Proving once again that Bake Town is the kind of town you want to be in (because folks here just love their chain restaurants)… Jack in the Box Co. recently opened an new chain of high end fast food restaurants in San Diego called JBX and has decided to open four more of the “quick-casual” style joints right here in Bako. The restaurant will feature gourmet style burgers & salads, serve beer and offer a cozy, living room type atmosphere for people to lounge in while they eat.

Mental picture: A fat, smelly Daleian kicking back on a couch, holey, stocking feet on the coffee table, swigging a beer, dropping crumbs from his "fancy" burger in-between the cushions and shouting at his dirt head offspring to bring ‘em the remote all while you're standing at the counter trying to decide what kind of dressing to have on the chicken salad.

p.s. I have never been a fan of Jack in the Box. Remember those commercials where the guy asks to speak to Jack and they put him through and Jack is on a plane? I told my son that commercial should have shown Jack on the toilet saying, “I’m in the crapper – making your lunch!” We still laugh over that one.