Monday, November 29, 2004

Padre Poop

Back in the good ol' days.

The renovation of the Padre has been big news for years now. Folks around her have strong opinions about the building and what should or should not be done with it. The number one thing most people think should not have been done with it was closin the bar. Nonetheless, most of us have anxiously been waiting for the reopening of the building. It’s been aggravating to notice a complete halt in activity over the past few months. It’s obviously almost done. What’s the hold up? Well, today we found out. In typical ‘shoot yourself in the foot’ fashion that Bake Town is famous for, construction has stopped because Deputy District Attorney John Mitchell has sued the San Diego based Pacifica Enterprises for illegal removal and dumping of asbestos. Good lord people! Why doesn’t the DA’s office just take an ad in the LA times informing any potential investors that if they make the mistake of trying to develop in the Bakersfield area, we promise to make it as difficult for them as possible. The Pacifica Company has been battling city leaders from the beginning. This is a company with the money and the interest in developing downtown Bakersfield, and instead of being thankful the city throws up roadblocks.

Isn’t that why the Padre turned into the “Alamo – tombstone” building to begin with?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Are you really in favor of letting developers engage in midnight asbestos removal by untrained and probably uninformed laborors? Cuz it sorta sounds like it.
