Monday, November 29, 2004

Warning! VH-1 may be hazardous to your health!

Saturday was a windy, rainy, blustery day. Sunday was bright, clear and sunny. I know this only from what I saw out of my window. I missed both of these beautiful days glued to my TV watching VH-1’s 100 greatest whatever shows. Luckily a friend dropped by last night and saved me, otherwise I might still be there, eyes glazed over, a thin stream a drool trickling down my chin, waiting to find out what is #1 one-hit wonder song of all time. Do yourselves a favor friends - do not watch these shows! Not even one little bit of one show. If you happen to be surfing channels and come across VH-1, change it immediately.

100 greatest shows are like heroin. A little is never enough.


  1. Your testamony here may have saved thousands from a similar fate. We thank you!

  2. Your testimony came to late for me. Last weekend I drank an entire pot of coffee and watched 'Awesomely Bad Sex Songs'. Twice. In a row. Amoung other VH1 shows. My name is Valancy Jane and I have a problem.

  3. Sounds like we need to develop a support group and a 12 step program.
