Sunday, December 19, 2004

A close call.

Shouts of joy and shrieks of pleasure could be all around Rosedale’s neighborhoods yesterday when it was announced that the apartment complex developers wanted to build was not approved. Residents didn’t want “those kind of people” living in their neighborhood and apparently city officials agreed. Apartments building should only be built near freeways and high schools. Because you know, people who live in apartments well, “there is a lot of drug use, probably.”

It’s interesting to note that in the paper today there is an article talking about the residents of Rosedale are completely unfazed by the recent police shooting in the parking lot of their precious strip mall. In fact, most people interested were proud of the officers actions.

Evidentaly a couple of stray bullets are not nearly as scary as a couple of people living in an apartment.

1 comment:

  1. "I think it's just the nature of the Valley: land is considered cheap enough that anyone making a decent living should own their own house, and therefore apartment dwellers are lower-class".
    Ben: you make a very good point. Very good.

    I, an apartment dweller in Portland Oregon, could actually afford a home in Bakersfield. No where can you find a 'decent' home in Portland for under $250,000, therefore I, a social worker, remain in an apartment.

    I don't think Ms. Romesberg understands this however. That aside, I still think she sounds like a mean spirited person.
