Thursday, December 30, 2004


I went to Cesar’s Deli in the southwest tonight to buy lasagna for my mom’s birthday on Sunday. I haven’t been inside that place in ages. Every time I go in there I remember the time when I was 15 and some girls thought I was staring at them so they flipped me off as they began to drive away. I decided to return the favor, at which point they stopped the car, got out, came back inside and asked my why I gave them the bird. Duh – cuz you flipped me off first. I was then accused of staring and warned that my behind was in jeopardy. Ahh, memories.

Cesar’s was all out of large lasagnas so I bought eight little ones and a small cup of pickled mushrooms for myself. Driving down Wilson Road, eating the mushrooms with my fingers I was shocked at the view. The wind and the rain have cleaned the air sufficiently and you can see the mountains all around. Bear Mt. in particular stood out. It’s hard to believe that such a huge mountain is so close by yet we can barely see it.

Besides the mountains, the clouds are also amazing. Patches of clear blue sky are apparent beneath a dark, angry storm cloud approaching ominously from the north. In the west as the sun sets the clouds appear psychedelic in bright shades of orange and pink.

I spotted in man in his robe standing in front of his house on Oleander Ave. just staring up at the sky.