Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Snow what?

© Felix Adamo

I hope y’all had a very Happy New Year. Mine has been mellow and comfortable, sort of like a bowl of warm mashed potatoes. Comforting but not really inspiring, hence the lack of posts lately. Plus I’ve never been a huge fan of New Year’s. I hate that the whole resolution thing and I get sick of never having someone special to kiss at midnight. I avoided New Year’s all together this year and went to bed with a book.

Not much going on around town right now, or at least not that I’m aware of. It’s been raining a ton, which is really great. The mountains are covered in snow and I’m dying to go skiing. I’m hoping to at least get up to the snow line in couple of weeks. Go sledding maybe. That reminds me, did any of you see that article on CNN about the Christian Youth Group that went sledding somewhere back East and ALL of them got hurt? They ignored signs warning people it was dangerous, and sent about 30 people to the hospital. I think that's funny cuz I’m pretty sure I was almost killed during a sledding trip to Tehachapi with my church youth group. Christians can be crazy.

Speaking of crazy Christians, there’s an article in the paper today about the prayer meeting held at Kern County Supervisor Michael Rubio’s swearing in ceremony. According to the paper the pastors speaking a the event claimed Rubio “was brought to power by the Almighty himself.”

Yup, that sounds like Bake Town.