Monday, December 13, 2004


For months now there have been articles in the paper about the fight going on in Rosedale between the (white-flight) homeowners and developers wanting to build apartments. Residents of the neighborhood are vehemently opposed to the idea. It’s not the urban sprawl or the environmental damage that’s upsetting them, it’s the ‘type’ of people who would be living there. The Californian today quoted Rosedale resident Carla Romesberg; “People who live in apartments come and go and there is a lot of drug use, probably.”

See, now when you look at it that way it all makes perfect sense.


  1. Yeah, it's true of course. My cats and I like to shoot up right after we put a load of laundry in and sit down to watch 'Lost'. I can finish knitting a whole scarf in whole night when I'm on crack.

  2. My - you are productive!
