Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Rant Vol. 3

Nobody wanted to reply to my poll about the Zubia case? Fine! I really wanted to know what y’all thought, but oh well. The response to the uproar over the decision is this “Questionable witnesses and a dead suspect prompted plea deals…” I guess that sounds like a pretty good excuse.

Good news for the Bakersfield Citizens for Local Control. The 5th District Court of Appeal in Fresno (boo Fresno) put a stop to the development of a Super Wal-Mart in South Bako. According to the report the city of Bakersfield “bungled the hearings on the projects environmental effects and failed to study impacts on transportation and animals.” (The Bakersfield Californian.) Uh, I would have never thought the city of Bakersfield could bungle something like that.

Hey – what’s up with that Bowling For Soup song 1985? Should I be insulted or what?