Tuesday, December 28, 2004

When you lie down with dogs...

Marcus? Is that you?

Proving once again that Bako is a great place to live (or at least a humorous place to talk about) former Bakersfield resident Di Quon has convinced some Hollywood types to shoot a pilot in Bakersfield based loosely on her time here. Filming began at North High yesterday. North? pppffftttt. They shoulda done it at BHS.

Speaking of high school I had a few de ja vu moments yesterday. The first was talking to Waist High on the phone for a while. W.H. & I knew each other in high school and had some common friends but we didn’t hang out. Probably because she was too cool for me and I was too scared of her. Nonetheless, we had a great time talkin’ shit about people we went to high school with . We’re gonna do some Bake Town style drinkin’ tonight. Ohhh yeah.

The second de ja vu moment came as I was watching TV last night. My best friend, Flo and her husband went to Europe for their honeymoon (finally) so her parents are watching their dogs. The dogs are German Pointers (at least one of 'em is anyway) and they are HUGE! Her parents still live in the same house – the house that I spent 75% of my time in growing up. Her parents had to go out of town for a couple of days so I’m dog sitting. Her parents also have another dog that is a mutt and looks like a dingo (A dingo ate my baby!)

So there I was, in my best friend’s parent’s house watching T.V. in the same room I spent countless hours in watching one of the dogs run in his sleep and the others stare at me expectantly. Hell no. It’s windy out there. And cold. You wanna go outside, be my guest, but I’m staying right here.

I even watched some M.A.S.H. just for old time’s sake.