Monday, December 27, 2004

In the name of all that is holy.

Howdy friends! I hope your Christmas was jolly. Good times, good eats. Me, my family, we had trout. Yup. Caught in the Kern River. I made tartar sauce and roast veges. I’ll let your imagination provide the rest of the story. For breakfast I had Pringles and a Squirt.

I went to dinner at Mexicali last night. I totally expected to see Waist High there, smashed on margaritas and trying to grab the waiter’s ass. We got there late so I probably missed it. Darn. (Just kidding W.H.! Luv ya!!)

After the yummy, yummy chicken enchilada’s we headed to the VIP. That’s right. The V. I. P. Dive bar extraordinaire. Much to my surprise and utter horror, THERE WAS NO SMOKING IN THE BAR! I’m sorry, but I have to repeat that. THERE WAS NO SMOKING IN THE BAR! Is nothing sacred these days? First The Cat, then The Mint, and now The Vip. I actually had to go outside IN THE COLD to inhale stranger’s second hand smoke. Am I getting old or do things just suck more than they used to?

I haven’t been to The Fox in a while, but I’m hoping it’s still a hold out.